Centered Slides

We are excited to launch our new company and product Ooooh. After being featured in too many magazines to mention and having created an online stir, we know that Ooooh is going to be big. You may have seen us in the Dinosaurs’ Den where we were we told that we didn’t need them because we were already doing it so well ourselves, so that’s what we have continued to do. We also hope to win Startup Fictional Business of the Year this Year. You may have seen us in the Dinosaurs’ Den where we were we told that we didn’t need them because we were already doing it so well ourselves, so that’s what we have continued to do.

ClientClient NameServicesWeb Design, Development

My Raffia Bag

Créée il y a 25 ans, cette marque parisienne est née de l’association de trois soeurs : Corinne, la styliste, Myriam, responsable de la distribution à travers le monde, et moi-même, Sylvie, importatrice en Israël depuis 9 ans. Avec Sans-Arcidet Paris, My Raffia Bag, vous propose de retrouver l’excellence du savoir-faire français dans une ligne d’accessoires de mode en raphia haut de gamme.

+972 (0)53 708 3942
ShowRoom (on appointment only) Motzkin 11 Alef, Raanana

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